The 4th installment 0f the
Select Media Festival kicks off tonight in Bridgeport with an opening party at
Hey! Cadets (1st floor of The Texas Ballroom), 3012 S. Archer. Leading the soundtrack for tonight's festvities will be the "epic stoned out jams" of
Warhammer 48K. Direct from Columbia, MO, the band is the brainchild of Cooper Crain, the soundman for local favorites Mahjongg. Also on the bill are fellow psychedelic Columbians
Jerusalem & The Starbaskets, the self-described “spazztasmic ejaculation of gabber gabba bomb beat cheap trix for the old millennium post-rave spectacle testicle wallet watch" of
Carpet of Sexy and a one woman musical machine disguised as a human unicorn known as
Soft Serve.
The entire festival lasts until November 13 and there are waaaay to many events to list here. Pick up a copy of the latest issue of Lumpen (#97) or go to www.selectmediafestival.org for the complete run-down.