They still haven't brought back Radiohead, but at least the Park District has now agreed to keep Lollapalooza on board for the next 5 years. The major hold up seemed to be the noise complaints from people living around Grant Park, but apparently all parties were able to reach some sort of compromise. The Sun-Times article also says that Lolla's producers are going to "work with the Park District and the Police Department to make sure we can alleviate [noise] as much as possible." However, I wonder if they ever thought of just giving comp tickets to appease some of the bitchy neighbors? Or maybe now that they've locked in the event for the next 5 years, they could issue a bunch of Lolla lifetime passes. Or course, over 90% of the complaints probably did came from old people who listen to the lite rock station on the radio so they "don't have to hear any of that hard rock or rap," but who knows? Maybe they'd dig it if they actually heard the music normally instead of just hearing the muffled bass and vocals from afar. Or at the very least, maybe their kids and/or grandkids would dig it.