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From heaven, known from sincerity, true friendship from caring, blessing from the heart, busy, don't forget to greet friends, your life is safe happiness!

umm..that is a no brainer..1) no computers were used in the making of any of the music that night. and 2) the performers were super animated (and did i mention that i got to stand about 3 feet away from thurston moore...i nearly melted)

Hmmm, something about this article makes me get the feeling I would have been better off at the hideout this night rather than at the metro watching hot chip.

thanks for comment and info. the article will be corrected.

Yeah, certainly no need to be jealous of NYC - Chicago has a more accessible scene when it comes to shows like this, in my opinion.

Also, what Avreeayl plays is a Kalimba - thumb piano is not the preferred nomenclature, dude.

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