///Doc Martens recently aired an ad which featured the late Joey Ramone and Kurt Cobain as well as other deceased musicians without the permission of the appropriate estates. The ad has since been taken off the air after Courtney Love and Micky Leigh expressed their distaste. [Thanks, Buzzgrinder]
///Omar Rodriguez-Lopez guitarist of the Mars Volta will be releasing an album chock full of experimental guitar histrionics. You’ll find it from GSL on May 29th with the title Se Dice Bisonte, No Bufalo. [Thanks, Pfork]
///Casiotone for the Painfully Alone will be heading on a trek that starts in California and works its way across the south and up the east coast. A few midwest stops will be made as well. [Thanks, Pfork]
///Peter, Bjorn, & John are interviewed and play a few songs on NPR. The set list includes “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off,” “Young Folks,” “The Objects of My Affections,” and “Amsterdam.”