So, the "kids" tell me that the most talked about show of last year, Gossip Girl, is set to release its first official soundtrack and it's chock full o' indie rock fun. To celebrate this momentus occasion, we've been offered to award one lucky RFC reader a complete Gossip Girl prize pack featuring the aforementioned soundtrack and Gossip Girl Season 1 on DVD.
But wait...there's more! If you're one of the first 100 entries to the contest, we'll also throw in the all new Gossip Girl board game "Never Have I Ever." (oh, snap! an RFC first...we've never given away a board game before! )
To win this, like, totally awesome prize pack that like you know you like, totally want, just drop us a line to radiofreechicago(at) with "OMFGG" in the subject line. One winner will be drawn at random next Wednesday.