No, seriously. My character in my retro-spooky space punk band, the Earth Program is a half-woman half-robot who was reconstructed after a UFO from the Outer Twilight crash-landed on top of her. Or so the story goes...
I suppose it is time to introduce myself
to RFC readers, since I began writing on here at the beginning of the month,
with no explanation. I wear no veil. My goal on RFC is to provide readers with
a weekly update on live events in Chicago. Sometimes I write about friends’
projects that deserve attention, sometimes I seek out shows I think are worth
writing about. No matter what, my focus is live music in Chicago and community.
And I would love to hear from you!
I see myself as serving several functions in the
scene: blogger, promoter, friend, musician, and most recently, an actual music
stand for Johnny of Johnny
and the Limelites at the White
Mystery 2010 Party
(more to come on this matter). My latest project, the Earth Program is a multi-media affair, and that means
none of my other pursuits shall conflict with my alliance with the Program. We
are a group of hardworking individuals with a universal desire for a lasting
creative project that incorporates and brings together a community, all in the
name of music.
If you’d like to check out our debut DIY album, “Invade!,” you can listen to it here. More importantly, I encourage you to come out to our Album Release Party at Ronny’s on Friday, January 29. I personally promise a good show and great time.
If you see me and have been enjoying some of my posts, or just genuinely like my purple pants or shoes (I wear a lot of purple these days), please come shake my bionic hand, and let’s talk about the future— of sci-fi and music, of shoes and ships and sealing wax... of cabbages and kings... (and why the sea is boiling hot... or whether pigs have wings...)
Earth Program Album Release Party @ Ronny’s Bar
2101 Calfornia Ave. on January 29, 2010 @ 10 p.m. $5