Will all the readers please raise their hand upon recognition of the following people? Ok, here we go: Regina Spektor, Joe Cocker, Matthew Sweet, Sir Paul McCartney, Rusty Anderson… Now let's assume you only raised your hand out of peer pressure and explain the last name. Rusty Anderson is a solo Swiss army knife of a musician, lending his guitar licks to the likes of the aforementioned while clocking in the most time as lead guitarist for Sir Paul McCartney since 2001. With this repertoire under his strap, his sophomore album Born on Earth just debuted on August 3rd as an auditory outlet of his experiences with these music maestros.
The album constructs a violin crescendo out the gates, peaking before a heavy, classic rock riff eases the listener into what to anticipate. "Born on Earth" is roaring, raging rock at its finest. Rusty's vocals lull the listener during choruses before a Ben Folds-like intermission sends you into a second layer of kicks and punchy guitar fit for Inception. The follow-up of "Timed Exposure" examines the deep question of how, or even if our generation will live on posthumously in spite of our intense infatuation with devouring television instead of creating. Sonically it's a ninety degree turn, reverting back to the 1970s dream pop of acoustic plucks.
"Private Moon Flower" borrows from this prior to lifting the sound past the stratosphere through echoing keys and vocals, channeling Steve Miller Band. It is this cut and paste of influences that lend strength to Born on Earth, evidenced through Rusty Anderson's album credits. When he focuses on the instruments, its where he soars, as on "Under a White Star." Albeit driven by the ivories, the pop melodies and lyrics take the back seat on this interstate genre trip to solos perfect for under starlight and spotlight.
It is these meandering journeys that Rusty takes the listener on that stand out. "Funky Birthday Cake" is the only jaunt that leaves you going down a one-way dead end. Nevertheless he is the driver, coaxing you into a hypnotic state before veering off to the side streets and little towns dotting his musical history and landscape. If you're looking for what a true musician absorbs over the years surrounded by legends, pop Born on Earth into that stereo system and hit the road.