The best part about being part of Radio Free Chicago is that my contributors here aren't so much contributors as they are a family of sorts. Take the fact that John Brunner now runs Mezzic and not only have I tossed two reviews his way, but he's now got the lovely Katia Piza on board too. If that's not a perfect example of RFC's family mentality, I don't know what is.
So when one RFC-er goes through heartache, every RFC-er not only sympathizes, but they do what they can to help. And since we obviously all share the same passion for music, what's a better way to fuse together the cracks in your aching heart than with a collection of songs on the subject? Today, Shani assists with my Left With Nothing Left To Lose: Breaking Up Is Hard To Do with Break Up, Drink Up. In Shani's words, "This is a collaborative Radio Free Chicago soundtrack. Listen up. Break Up. Drink up." - Amber Valentine
Break Up, Drink Up
A Radio Free Chicago Mix
1. In Ruins- Fol Chen.
No explanation necessary.
2. Claws Off- Margot and the Nuclear So and So's.
"If you wanna go- get lost". Srsly.
3. Lloyd, I'm Ready to be Heartbroken- Camera Obscura.
Women will get this.
Lloyd, I'm Ready to Be Heartbroken
4. Pen To The Paper- Parlovr.
Just turn it up real loud, it'll help.
5. Tell Me Why- M.I.A.
Because its a playlist. And she's M.I.A.
6. Don't Back Down- Restless People.
Use this instead of your 4th cocktail.
7. Every Day- Twin Tigers.
Take your time.
8. Second Hand News- Fleetwood Mac.
Benefit from the wisdom of more experienced elders.
9. Wolfboy- Blair.
Sometimes crying helps.
10. Bhang Bhang, I'm a Burnout- Dum Dum Girls.
Sometimes violence helps.