You may have noticed that Mylynda posted earlier today about the charming scamps in The Morning Benders and their infectious take on The Ronnettes. Now, here, readers, is where I could lie and say "That got me thinking about my favorite cover on The Benders' Bedroom Covers album..." but in actuality, I'd been planning a Morning Benders "People Covering Songs I Love" post for quite some time. In fact, I was almost disappointed when Indie College's EIC beat me to the punch but then I realized, heck, what's better to warm the cockles in the dead of winter than TWO Morning Benders posts in ONE day?! Nothing! Also, what's a cockle? No clue. But I suspect it bears a strong resemblance to this. Anyhow. Moving on...
The first concert I saw that counts was The Cardigans. Before that, I'd seen a Beatles cover band and The Monkees and a few shows my mom or grandma had taken me to but it wasn't until I was twelve that I really started developing my own taste and asking my mom to get me concert tickets for birthday and christmas gifts. The local rock station had yearly holiday blow outs that featured bands I tended to like and while I was always the youngest person in attendance, I always, despite my social anxiety and dislike of large crowds and strangers making eye contact with me, had a blast. But my first concert was The Cardigans. I was in seventh grade and their svelte, Aryan lead singer, Nina Persson, had me already doubting the sexuality I hadn't even fully developed yet. I mean, look at her! Girl's a fox. Of course, eventually, I realized I wasn't gay and many-a boys dreams were crushed because that meant the male world was robbed of ever seeing me "lez out".
Regardless of my sexual preference, however, The Cardigans are one band from my youth that hasn't grown stale, that I can still listen to at twenty six without having to preface it with "Oh, this is just a nostalgic guilty pleasure." Even the Swedish band's overplayed "one hit", "Lovefool" has withstood the test of time.
What The Morning Benders do to "Lovefool" is nothing short of genius, weaving it's pop hooks and saccharine lyrics into a confessional tune of heartache and melancholy. Like always, I can't help but relate this tune to a scene in the film version of my life that'll probably never get made:
Interior. House. Sad girl sits alone on bed, daydreaming of the guy that just broke up with her. Why'd he break up with her? Because he has awful taste in women, clearly! But that's beside the point. The point is that this lovely, acoustic rendition of "Lovefool" would be playing and it would charmingly encapsulate all of my melancholy in the most perfect, adorable way.
Also, I feel as if I lost points by not making a single sweater pun in this article. For shame, me. For shame!
And, y'know, what would a "Lovefool" covers post be without mentioning THIS gem...
Yes, that's Justin Bieber sampling The Cardigans. No, I am not remotely ashamed to admit that that song is my jam. Judge away, hipsters! MY NAME IS AMBER VALENTINE AND I HAVE JUSTIN BIEBER ON MY IPOD. AND I LOVE IT.
Read your article is very happy.Thanks.
Posted by: Ralph Lauren Polo | 05/28/2011 at 01:42 AM
that seven questions are so important and nice to get ourselves known
in order to know what is the happiness to ourselves.
Posted by: visvim | 03/15/2011 at 10:15 PM